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What is Aromatherapy?


Aromatherapy means to treat with aroma through inhalation. It is well known that aroma reaches and influences the deepest human instinct. When essential oils are diffused and inhaled, aromatherapy not only delivers the calming benefits of fragrance, it also delivers the many health benefits unique to essential oils.

It has been theorized that when essential oils are diffused, they can increase atmospheric oxygen by releasing oxygenating molecules in the air. Not only do they increase oxygen in the atmosphere, essential oils increase the body's ability to transport oxygen into the cells. The lipid -soluble structure of essential oils allows them to easily pass through cell membranes in the nose and diffuse into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the oils can help transport oxygen and nutrients into the cells. One of the causes of disease in both plants and humans is the inability of nutrients to penetrate the cell. This results in cell deterioration, leads to mutation, and creates a host for bacteria and disease.

Oils also increase ozone and negative ions, which inhibit bacterial growth. This prevents and destroys odors from mold, cigarettes, animals, etc. Diffused essential oils work as an outstanding air filtration system, helping to remove dust particles from the air.

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