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Sugar Scrub

By Sherri Dulin


Sugar Scrub is a fantastic product that revitalizes your skin. Use Sugar Scrub to   exfoliate your skin, and at the same time moisturize it since the main ingredient in Sugar Scrub is Shea butter. 



Shea butter is widely used in many moisturizing products and cosmetics.  Do you know that even Cleopatra was known to have used Shea butter?  What is Shea Butter?  According to the dictionary, "a whitish or yellowish fat obtained from the seeds of the shea tree, found in Africa, which is used as food and for making soap and candles."


The introduction of scrubs has become the method of choice to return the skin to its full radiance. Gone are the days when one used a pumice stone on elbows or feet. Gone is the overnight use of oily products to smooth those rough areas.  Sugar Scrub, once applied, produces soft and smooth skin combined with a lovely scent. 

Sugar Scrub has become one of the hottest products today.  It is an ideal gift to give for any occasion, either to men or women.  It comes in a variety of scents, and is affordable.  I don't know of anyone today who wouldn't love to experience a Sugar Scrub, especially if you offered to give them one.  Once tried, you will be hooked on it, and so will those who have received it as gifts.

When can one use Sugar Scrub?  Anytime!  During the winter months, especially when your skin tends to become dry and flaky, use it to return your skin to a silky smooth texture. During the summer months, after sun bathing, use the scrub to regenerate your skin. There is never a time not to use it. 

Clean skin is healthy skin.  Times have changed!  The trend these days is to depart from the heavy use of cosmetics to a more natural, healthy look.  Nothing can be more natural than to use a Sugar Scrub to obtain that desired appearance. 



© 2006


Sherri Dulin is the owner of and also the webmaster.  Our products include handmade scented Bath and Body Products and Air Fresheners also handcrafted Jewelry.  We use only the finest natural ingredients to create quality affordable products for everyone.  If you love pampering yourself visit our site.  We also have great gift ideas for your family and friends don’t forget they love being pampered too!

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